Pictures of the Fall 2016, Leaves Away and Soon Gone..


My favorite part of the Fall is the scatter of leaves. They bring a sense of serenity in the midst of changing weather, with new winds and storms ushering the cold ahead. There can be a bit of melancholy about them when you apply character. They had their run and now must rest until there is wither and end. But first, take in the beauty of the loveliness shown with the sort of lush greenery and return to nature brought, especially in the cityscapes of which I often pass through.

They add to the quiet, and for some also the loneliness of mundane life. You can become part of it, and be still. Let it all sink in, and watch as more leaves gather. Especially on a Sunday, the simplicity of it all brings serenity before the usual workweek schedule takes over.

Like many wonderful things, there will be an eventual end. Fall to me can be warmer than spring to the emotional spirit feeling loneliness within. The leaves make good friends when my feet are among them until taken away by landscapers with their leaf blowers machines and crude metal rakes, or withered by time; hard to decide which is the crueler. The trees above will be stripped to face the coming cold, naked and silent until the rescue of spring next year. I shall empathize with them until then. But for now, I shall take more walks and love the Fall moments while they last…

– Orion T

Pictures above and below, taken at the Jim Ellis Freeway Park in Downtown Seattle, by me in the early November at different days and times…

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4 thoughts on “Pictures of the Fall 2016, Leaves Away and Soon Gone..

  1. The leaves fall, but they are not really gone; they melt into the landscape and pay their nutrients forward to the bloom of spring. May you also nurture your spirit in this season, take inspiration all the way down deep, know hope for the future. Blessings on you for a peaceful Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I thought of you today when I was downtown. I saw the gingerbread houses in the Sheraton Hotel (open 24 hours per day) which are in the theme of wizardry and Harry Potter books. I walked through the Olympic Hotel to see the beautiful Christmas trees. I saw some lights and decorations being set out around downtown, and I hope you will capture the sparkle as you did last year. twinkle, twinkle, against the night!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmm, I will have to check out the Gingerbread house at the Shereton. The Harry Potter/wizardry theme sounds awesome. i hope to have more time to scout other new seasonal sites soon, as they always excite me. And capture, I shall. Thanks!!! I hope your Xmas season is most festive and full of more cool surprises 🙂


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