Just another never-to-be-forgotten summer…

“All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world.” – L.M. Montgomery

What a pleasant quote from the famed author of Anne of Green Gables! Though, I am often a bit more of a Fall or Spring favored person, as I love those variances in weather and the changes they bring, Yet, I feel a special, unforgettable summer that works best with all it brings with the awesome raised warm of the Pacific Northwest. a break for many, a time to spend with friends and family on big adventures can be delightful and near perfection.

That being said, I am enjoying this summer of 2022 so far, despite the worries of the world. I have pulled myself further from the claws of the social media beasts, to long escapes to waterfronts and large parks. My times are private, almost selfish as I enjoy my along time in self-reflections, figuring that’s next for the months of ahead. And soon, I shall take a much needed travel trip, to make all this even better.

I hope you are enjoying this summer as well.

– Orion T

The picture was taken by me a few days ago from Gasworks Park, a wonderful little spot on the north side of Lake Union in the Seattle city. The slight combined with the warm ready made that time, near perfect.

The Magic of Fast Food Enchantment

I think fast junky food is evidence of dark magic in our modern time, summoning consumables that represents everything that is good and terrible of our human guilty pleasures. We think it out of the thin air of the most basic of thoughts to what we or others can put together using the alchemy of dead animals, vegetables, wheat, fire, grease, and whatever consumable liquids or powders of taste additives. It’s weird as such sudden existence of convenience is often irresistible. The smell of a good burger, a deep dish pizza, garlic fries can enchant a hungry soul. We forget how bad and how processed it is, and seek its bliss just when suddenly in our presence. Sometimes, the more the more quantity, the more flavor, the more we should resist. Then may come regret, but there is that moment with the actual consumption right before that means more, is happiness. This strange process, is wonderful.

– Orion T

Picture was taken a couple weeks ago at the Washington Summer Con, in the townsy town of Puyallup, Washington. A lot of people cosplayed for the event. I took less pictures and focused more on treasure hunting. But love this little surreal moment, as I was also hungry for fast food.

Happy Fourth of July, and Happy Day of Independence

Happy Fourth of July, dear Americans.

It’s another day perhaps, except many of will not work and observe the event of 245 years ago, where a gathering of local American colonists in 1777 felt they had enough of King George III’s British rule and took it upon themselves to draft a nicely written document, declaring independence. The rest is history, and still ongoing for the United States of America. Let’s enjoy this.

Today, I see much shouting on the social medias over what independence means with the much news that I need not explain. People are frustrated, with anger at our government and system for many reasons just and unjust. To also feel our democratic systems tainted by the corruption from the top wealthy, the influence of the forcibly dogmatic, an imperfect justice system, a decline of education in many areas, imbalances…is troubling.

And, it’s healthy to vent to a point because we could be more independent. History is full of many fights of independence all over the world that Americans are still dealing with. Voting rights, reproductive rights, right to protest, right to privacy, right of sex/gender preference, right to survive, right to party, and the list goes on. While it’s understandable to hate a system for failing to protect those rights, it’s still okay to celebrate a large moment when an independent declaration for “we the people” was successful, and something was born good out of it. Every moment of independence from oppression is worthy of celebration.

The United States of America is still a great country, with much details to be worked out to be truly “the land of the free.” Much yet needs to happen for all to achieve equality and justice for all. In the meantime, take this day to understand what freedom does look like for each other to what we do have, celebrate with family or friends with patriotic traditions, or just enjoy some solitude. Freedom should always be celebrated, and continue to strive towards for yourself and others.

– Orion T

Picture above is from a July 4th beach party 11 years ago at Pismo Beach with friends and Sam the Eagle. Good times to remember as I stay home today, and enjoy a little solitude.