My first dinner in Paris…

I recall back to last fall, early October, as I cycle through old phone pics. Posting now, this is what I recall…

The steak and frites were okay, could use more seasoning on both. The wine was good, but a bit weird to have with les pommes frites. Is that a normal thing in France? Or do the French just have wine with anything? I took it as a reccomendation. Sorry, I don’t recall what the wine was.

So there I was alone at some late night diner, across from the Seine River and close to the Louvre Museum, which I did visit. This was my first dinner of a trip that would start in Paris, continued through the countryside to and through southern France, back to Paris, and eventually Amsterdam. I did not mind this lackluster experience, as this gave me much to look forward for more great food experiences. I knew there was better for the days ahead, so I was excited.

After eating asked for a tip, which I knew this not a thing away from the touristy areas. Did I tip though? I don’t remember. But oddly, the waiter took a smoke break shortly after my order, right in front of my table (see picture above). Is that a thing french waiters causally do? I hope not.

Still, I enjoyed the experience for what it was.

– Orion T

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