Pictures of Today 4/19/15, Trailing through Discovery Park


A hike through Discovery Park..yes.

That was the best remedy to a rough last week; as I needed fresh air, time away from the screens and sirens. Discovery Park has 534 square miles, of peace and nature for one to enjoy. There are open meadows, dense forestation, rocky cliffs, old historical buildings, and a beach. For anyone living in Seattle, it’s easily accessible by bus, car, and probably even a bike. Sunday, was my day of escape. To there, I went.

While hiking through, I took pictures. Here are some unedited raws, featuring the best of the today’s afternoon adventure..

072High above the upper meadow trails of Discovery Park. Downtown Seattle is somewhere behind the hills to the left.

060Today was a nice blue day, sunny at 70 degrees.

063Yet, there was a constant wind chill. Those bushes with the small yellow petals were in constant sway.

068Though much of the cherry blossoms and magnolias have vanished through the city, some were late bloomers and still showing some of that early Spring pride.

069No words, just cool shadow play.

082There is a beach down below. I just follow the trail and watch my step. But take time, because each view is fantastic.

083Some moss there. I like moss.

079Lots of birds chirping, as I walk more between the trees. I wish I was good at spotting them. There are some bird tours coming up, here in Discovery Park. I may join in on one.

037Okay, I found this one. Not sure if it’s a crow. I like this shot.

096The beach, with lots of dried wood and visitors.

090The West Point Lighthouse. A shot without anyone walking around it or taking selfies in front of it was pretty much impossible today. Still, worth the capture.

010Another group of local visitors, enjoying some off-shore strolling.

088Tides were picking up. The calming was over, and the wind also increased. The time to go back was now. Also, I am hungry and forgot to bring efficient snacks.

104On my way back, a nice small meadow to stare at. Argh, I forget what those puffy things are called..

006Okay then..

058Not Discovery Park, but my last minute visit to the Sculpture Park before heading home. I caught this awesome sunset, just in the nick of time.

That’s all for now. I will be back to Discovery Park again, soon. Hopefully then, I will see more birds.

– Orion T

2 thoughts on “Pictures of Today 4/19/15, Trailing through Discovery Park

  1. The picture at the very top of the post (through the trees on the way down to the beach) is probably my favorite view in the park! I spent the entire day (it was a minus tide) here today with my sons.

    I found your site through my friend Valarie’s blog (Wedgwood in Seattle)……

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